90 Day Course Overview
Have you begun to notice a gap between who you thought yourself to be and the person staring back at you in the mirror?
You realize that years have gone by without doing the things you most wanted to do.
The clear and shining path that always seemed to beckon so brightly begins to fade.
A part of you is stuck in the pain of the past, while another part dreams of a different tomorrow.
I understand all too well how challenging it can be to see your potential in the midst of change and transition.
I also understand how wonderful it is once we find our unique path forward.
How It Works:
Receive a copy of your birth chart & a recorded reading identifying your life mission, your strengths, and self-defeating patterns that you will use to go deeper to make some significant shifts throughout the course.
6 Bi-monthly group calls to go deeper into understanding your unique life purpose.
Customized PDF exercises to guide you through each module.
Access to an exclusive video library on key astrological topics related to each module.
All coaching sessions are recorded for access later.
Module One: D-DIVINE
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all power.” – Aristotle
When we understand our unique pathway and our purpose for being here, everything changes. Our purpose serves as our North Star, our Compass in life going forward.
Welcome & introductions
Overview of the DISCERN method.
Intention setting.
Identify your unique life mission and purpose, and discover all the parts of yourself, your obstacles and opportunities as well as your strengths and weaknesses.
“We do not see life as it is, but as we think it is.” – Anais Nin
What is blocking you from seeing yourself, and all your strengths?
To help you see your life as it really is we will start to look at some key information in your astrological birth chart, including self-defeating patterns that have contributed to blocking you from seeing yourself as you really are.
By identifying patterns that block you from seeing all the parts of yourself, this awareness will open you up to understanding yourself at a deeper level.
S-YOUR Story
“You now know that your true source is not outside you. Your soul is your true source and a new energy and passion awakens you.”
– John O’Donohue
What new things do you need to learn about yourself so that you can move forward more confidently in your life?
We will continue to look to our birth charts for more information about our key strengths that we can call on for navigating change. This is where you receive your invitation to fully claim your power, take responsibility for your life, and claim your authority from the inside out.
You will begin filling in a story template that will help you identify from your birth chart, your key strengths, obstacles, and opportunities for moving forward. This template will become your guide for the remaining weeks.
module FOUR:
C- Compassion & courage
“We become truly compassionate when we are wise enough to remain inwardly detached from the melodrama of life.”
– Ann Mortifee
How can you begin to relax into compassion and make better choices and decisions for yourself going forward?
When we apply compassion to ourselves it becomes easier to release old stories, let go of self- criticism and other self-defeating behaviors.
We will discuss the importance of healing the past and becoming open and curious to a new future.
Identify your core wound and where in your story there is opportunity for applying compassion.
“One small movement in a new direction can alter everything.”
– Ann Mortifee
What new strategies can you begin to implement, to pivot in a new direction with less effort and more flow?
When you see yourself clearly your sense of empowerment grows exponentially. This is where your confidence can begin to build and become an asset as you consider changes you may want to make to align with your new understandig of yourself. You are becoming confident about being yourself more than ever before because you’ve achieved more clarity on whom you really are beneath the fears and stories.
Identify key action steps you can take to truly step into your potential.
R- Responsibility
How can you begin to actively release your old stories, lean into compassion, and become open to receiving?
Here is where we begin to put it all together. Responsibility for our life occurs when we truly say “yes” to sharing our truth. It requires us to be open and willing and yielding, and yes, vulnerable. This can feel scary until we learn to trust the Universe and ourselves.
Learn about two competing energy patterns: resistance and receptivity and how they can support and impede us in taking responsibility.
Take an inventory of where in your life you are most resistant and where is your key opportunity for learning to receive?
“Nurture Your Mind With Great Thoughts. To Believe in the Heroic Makes Heroes.”
Focus: What new strategies are you committed to that will help you show up fully and live into your potential going forward?
Share your vision and strategy for fulfilling the intention you committed to in Week 1 as well as your key obstacles and opportunities for navigating change and stepping into your potential.