Laurel O'Sullivan, J.D. -Grief Advocate/Consultant/Speaker

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JOIN the Second Chances Movement!

so you can Live the life you were born to live

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are you ready to pivot in a new direction in your life?

As women we are taught to care for others before we care for ourselves, which is hands down the worst advice we can ever receive when we are the one who needs the support to make a significant life transition.

It takes courage, guts, and grace to say “no” to something in our life that no longer aligns with who we are becoming and say “yes” to something new.

There’s a different way to navigate change....

One that’s more grounded and secure.

Your greatest source of power is not tied to your titles, roles, responsibilities, or material objects. It’s within you.

When you feel disconnected or separated from your power life feels frustrating and deeply unfulfilling.

Navigating change is easier if you feel grounded in yourself, which means you can trust yourself and feel confident in your choices. 

When you see yourself clearly the possibilities for your life seem to open up. 

Your perspective shifts and it becomes possible to embrace change as an opportunity to discover your most powerful self. 

“I highly recommend Laurel as one of the best coaches I’ve worked with. Her strengths are many. She helped me move forward professionally and personally in the midst of some difficult transitions. She is highly intuitive and extremely insightful. Our weekly conversations grounded me when I was feeling overwhelmed. Working with her as a coach exceeded my expectations.”
— Mary Ellen Schaid
“I would recommend Laurel to anyone looking to make positive changes in their life. Her combination of patience, non-judgement and empathy along with her consistent accountability spurred me to realize the strength and confidence I possessed. I am so grateful for the work I did with Laurel. It has given me the motivation to pursue a career transition with more confidence.”

— Savannah Clement

Week One: D- DIVINE

Discovering the Divine Nature of You 

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all power.” – Aristotle

What opportunity are you being presented with for changing your life? 

This week we will focus on what’s possible when we embrace the fact that we are constantly evolving with an attitude of curiosity.

When we understand our unique pathway and our purpose for being here, navigating any type of change becomes possible. Our purpose serves as our North Star, our Compass. 

  • Introduction to the DISCERN course overview.

  • Explore the role of change and transition as it relates to discovering your potential. 

  • Create and commit to an intention for the course.

Week Two: I- INSIGHT

Insight through Inquiry

“We do not see life as it is, but as we think it is.” – Anais Nin

What is blocking you from creating this change? 

To help you see your life as it really is we will start to look at some key information in your astrological birth chart, including self defeating patterns that have contributed to blocking you from seeing yourself as you really are.

By identifying patterns that block you from seeing all the parts of yourself, this awareness will open you up to understanding yourself at a deeper level.

  • Discuss common patterns that can disrupt your ability to confidently navigate change.

  • Learn how to apply some simple tools to disrupt these patterns and become unstuck.


Week Three: S- YOUR Story

Summarizing Your Story & Your Super Powers

“You now know that your true source is not outside you. Your soul is your true source and a new energy and passion awakens you.”

– John O’Donohue

What new things do you need to learn about yourself so that you can move forward confidently? 

We will continue to look to our birth charts for more information about our key strengths that we can call on for navigating change. This is where you receive your invitation to fully claim your power, take responsibility for your life, and claim your authority from the inside out. 

  • You will begin filling in a story template that will help you identify from your birth chart, your key strengths, obstacles, and opportunities for moving forward. This template will become your guide for the remaining weeks.

Week FOUR: C- Compassion

“We become truly compassionate when we are wise enough to remain inwardly detached from the melodrama of life.”

– Ann Mortifee

How can you begin to relax into compassion and make better choices and decisions for yourself going forward? 

When we apply compassion to ourselves it becomes easier to release old stories, let go of self- criticism and other self-defeating behaviors. It also becomes easier to not take things so personally.  

  • You will learn a few key mindset shifts that are needed to enable an attitude of compassion toward yourself.

  • We will discuss the importance of healing the past and becoming open and curious to a new future.

  • Identify where in your story there is opportunity for applying compassion.


“One small movement in a new direction can alter everything.”

– Ann Mortifee

What new strategies can you begin to implement, to pivot in a new direction with less effort and more flow?

When you see yourself clearly your sense of empowerment grows exponentially.  This is where your confidence can begin to build and become an asset as you navigate crisis and change. You are becoming confident about being yourself more than ever before because you’ve achieved more clarity on whom you really are beneath the fears and stories. 

  • What key action steps are you committed to developing in your life going forward to truly step into your potential?


“Whatever You Resist You Become”

How can you begin to actively release your old stories, lean into compassion, and become open to receiving?

Resistance is a form of fear that blocks us from receiving.  It can often be so subtle we may not be aware we are resisting. 

Receiving on the other hand is a totally different way of being. It’s about saying “yes” to life. It requires us to be open and willing and yielding, and yes, vulnerable. This can feel scary until we learn to trust the Universe and ourselves. 

  • Learn about two competing energy patterns: resistance and receptivity. 

  • Take an inventory of where in your life you are most resistant and where is your key opportunity for learning to receive? 

  • Learn some tips for integrating both competing energies into your life with more ease.


“Nurture Your Mind With Great Thoughts. To Believe in the Heroic Makes Heroes.”

What new strategies are you committed to that will help you live into your potential going forward?

Share your vision and strategy for fulfilling the intention you committed to in Week 1 as well as your key obstacles and opportunities for navigating change and stepping into your potential. 

When we see ourselves clearly, love ourselves, and learn to let go of our fears, pivoting in the direction of change to create the life we want becomes abundantly easier.

“Laurel is an amazing coach. She taught me to trust my instincts and act upon them to make positive changes in numerous aspects of my life. As a result of working with Laurel I feel optimistic and empowered to create changes in my life that previously felt difficult. These changes are bringing me a deeper sense of fulfillment in my life.”
— Allie Payne