Laurel O'Sullivan, J.D. -Grief Advocate/Consultant/Speaker


Karen Craven, VP of Communications & Advocacy

I consider Laurel a powerful conduit who enabled me to find and remember my own greatness. Laurel is a woman of service to others. She is intuitive. She listens and partners. She helped me chart a path forward that had clear bumpers and boundaries and she consistently reminded me of my skills, talents, and needs.

Laurel was a silver lining in is the challenging year that included a transition from a job where I no longer wanted to work, but with people who I did.

When I think of our time together, I think that the old friend who referred me to Laurel brought me a wise sage during a challenging time in my life. Laurel helped me keep my goals at the forefront of my search and instead of just accepting a job before me, I juggled multiple interviews and offers. I used the boundary practice to ensure that I didn’t sell my skills and experience short.

My goal was to find an organization grounded in respect, with a role with room to grow with a team of good people. I could write a testimonial of how great Laurel is at what she does, and how she helped me get what I wanted and needed. And while that would be true, it barely scratches the surface.

Laurel’s thoughtful approach to establishing goals, repeatedly acknowledging and adhering to them, ensures accountability. Once goals are on paper and are articulated, for me they become real; that is my truth. Hearing it, writing it, and remembering it, helped it become muscle memory.

It was very important for me to establish and respect boundaries. Our practice together around boundaries has changed the way I work and show up in my relationships. I want to help people but in doing so I put my own needs and interests second. Setting this goal at the onset of our time together, empowered me to make personal and professional decisions that were often hard but always right. Every time I set the boundary I honor myself. I no longer consider a boundary a negative. I look at the establishment and use of boundaries as a form of self-care, preservation protection and advocacy. Laurel’s coaching was instrumental in that shift in thinking and critical to execution.

Instead of leading with the fears that flood us at any time of financial uncertainty, with Laurel’s help, I led with my head, and n the end, my heart was filled with joy at the decisions I made and their outcome.”