Laurel O'Sullivan, J.D. -Grief Advocate/Consultant/Speaker


I believe we all deserve second chances…what’s stopping you from taking yours?

Hitting the Reset Button on Our Lives Never Hurt so Good

From the chaos, heartache, and calamity of 2020, we are being gifted with the opportunity for a spiritual do-over when it comes to understanding our relationship with personal power.   I believe the reason we are being given a “reset” this year is that the underlying currents of consumerism, racism, and social and economic divisiveness that have become so prevalent in our world over the past 37 years are distracting us from truly loving ourselves, individually and collectively. When we heal ourselves by learning to love ourselves only then can we do our part to contribute to healing the world,

Healing ourselves starts with connecting to our higher selves. What does this mean? It means saying yes to reclaiming our personal authority and letting go of the fears that have been holding us back. A tall order! And yet, it is a truism that the only thing in this world we can ultimately control is ourselves.  Never has that lesson been more starkly on display as it has been in 2020.

This year we are being asked to take responsibility for our lives and get absolute clarity on what matters to us as a response to our world being upended.  As an antidote to the world feeling out of our control, we are being asked to go inward and define in no uncertain terms what matters to us and (this is important) to develop a game plan for achieving it.  While the pathway looks different for each one of us, how we get there looks the same.  The solution lives inside of us. It requires us to work from the inside out. We can’t get to the solutions from the outside in.   

What I’ve learned from more than a few challenging transitions in my life, is that in order for the answers to appear you must first slow down. The key to living a powerful life is knowing what you can and can’t control. Forcing solutions, directing your actions toward things you can’t control,  or taking action prematurely, from a place of reactivity and fear doesn’t work.  It's hard to be still and wait.  It doesn't come easy.   Our mind wants to make sense of all that is happening. It wants to do something, anything to distract us from the uncertainty. 

Whenever we go through a period of transition it’s an opportunity for a new beginning, a Second Chance.  Our identity is evolving.  On a soul level, we are being asked to reconnect with our true selves. This “higher self” is the part of us that got lost, separated, or left behind because we gave away our authority. Is there a part of yourself you left behind, that it is now time to welcome back? Can you do so from a place of forgiveness and grace? When we commit to learning about ourselves at the deepest level we are committed to self-mastery.  What is one thing you can do today to commit to stepping into a higher more deeply empowered version of yourself?