Laurel O'Sullivan, J.D. -Grief Advocate/Consultant/Speaker


I believe we all deserve second chances…what’s stopping you from taking yours?

The Silver Lining of Your Covid Playbook

What do you do when life throws you a massive curve ball, leaving you with no previous experience to draw on? 

The Covid Crisis of 2020 represents such a massive curve ball. Each day represents new and unknown territory for us as we navigate social isolation and work and do school from home.

The truth is, there’s been a crescendo of fear that has been rising for the past several years. It’s been characterized by a combination of social tensions, despair and mistrust in our government leaders.

This collective energy bubble of fear and misapprehension needed to burst. Covid is that bursting of  the inner fears and uncertainty we have all been carrying around.

What I’ve learned from more than a few challenging transitions in my life, is that in order for the answers to appear you must first slow down and focus on Being. Forcing solutions or taking action prematurely, from a place of reactivity and fear doesn’t work.

It's hard to be still and wait.  It doesn't come easy. 

Our mind wants to make sense of all that is happening. It wants to do something, anything to distract us from the uncertainty.

We can’t get to the solutions from the outside.  Going online, asking friends or deferring to experts is not going to work this time.

2020 is a significant year calling us to reconnect with our Higher Selves.

While the solution looks different for each one of us, how we get there looks the same.  The solution lives inside of us. It requires us working from the inside out.

Whenever we go through a period of transition our identity is evolving.  On a soul level we are looking to reconnect with our true self. This “Higher Self” is the part of us that got separated or left behind along the way because we gave away our authority.  

Reclaiming Our Authority.

At this moment in time, the Grand conjunction of Saturn and Pluto that took place on January 12 is imploring us to reflect on this one question all year: where have you handed over too much of your authority?

The last time Saturn was in Pluto we were facing the great recession of the early 1980’s.  Prior to that it was the Cold War and the invention of the atomic bond, and prior to that it was WWI. 

Answering this question requires us to be honest and to do some deep self- assessment.

Our Promise and our Potential Are Being Activated

 April 4  is providing us with another opportunity to rebuild our leadership when Pluto and Jupiter come together.  Jupiter represents expansion and Pluto is power, but not just your garden variety power. 

We are being asked to access our power from a deeper place, one where we have made the hard choices about what really matters to us, where we have understood that in order to give birth to a new part of ourselves, we must say good -bye to an old part. It requires deep sacrifice and making difficult decisions.

Some of the things we may be forced to confront include old wounds that need healing, old patterns that need releasing and new energies and intentions that we need to integrate into our lives.

Navigating change is never easy. It’s comforting to know we are not alone and that we are being supported.

Where do we go from here?

A few months ago, I wrote a blog about learning to reparent ourselves. (See Why Learning to Reparent Yourself is a Game Changer)  In order to answer these big questions related to our power and authority we need to learn how to love ourselves again and to teach ourselves new ways of nurturing ourselves, as a parent would.

Only when we are standing in a place of deep self-love, can we step into our authority this year.  There’s the kicker.  This is not about claiming our power from an  ego-centered place.  ( See What the Coronavirus Can Teach Us About Love)

 The good news is that we are being supported.

The North Node, our purpose and our destiny is in Cancer, where it has been since 2018. Cancer is ruled by the moon and it represents the deepest part of our soul in astrology.  It calls us inward to be deeply self- reflective and connect with our heart.

Opposing the North Node in Cancer we have the South Node in Capricorn. The South Node is what we are being asked to leave behind.  In Capricorn natural desires are repressed, outward approval is sought, and there is a potential for alienation and loneliness.  

The combined energies of Cancer and Capricorn occur along what’s known as the Parental Axis in astrology.  It’s bringing our deepest essence and desires into alignment with who we show up in the world as. How do we lead (Capricorn) from a place of integrity?

Often times when life throws us the most difficult challenges, it also delivers us  our time of greatest growth and deepest rewards.   I know it may not feel like it today, but please trust me that from the seeds of today’s despair tomorrow’s harvest will come. There’s the silver lining we all desire.